RIVERSIDE, Mo. — The Park Hill South Elite Anglers are stirring up interest in high school bass fishing by hosting the Panther Classic High School Open Bass Tournament, April 27, at Smithville Lake.
The team tournament is open to all high school students or next year’s incoming high school students (eighth-graders).
“A lot of people are interested in it, but I don’t have a lot of signed, sealed and delivered applications yet,” said Gary Soske, the Park Hill South Elite Anglers high school club adviser. “If everybody comes through I would say we would be in the 15- to 20-team range.”
Entry fee for the tournament is $50 per boat. Each boat will have two high school anglers and an adult boat captain. Grab bags full of donated items from local and national sponsors will be available for all of the contenders.
“Our goal is to try to provide enough stuff for the kids to at least walk away with goodiesworth the entry fee or more,” Soske said.
Trophies will be awarded to the Top 3 teams.
The Park Hill South Elite Anglers have the distinction of being the first club to join the B.A.S.S. Nation high school program.
For an official entry form for the tournament, click here. For more information, contact Clay Lenhert, lenhertc@parkhill.k12.mo.us, or Gary Soske, soske@sbcglobal.net.