Rattling vs. silent crankbaits
Mark Menendez talks about when to use a rattling crankbait and when to pull out the silent one.
Don’t beat yourself
It's easy to let tough fishing or a lost fish ruin your day, but I'm here to tell you that a big part of what separates successful tournament anglers from the ones who don't perform as well as they could is the ability to salvage the bad days, turn them into productive days and move on.
Early springtime bassin’
Jordan Lee offers bass fishing tips for when water temperatures hover in the 45- to 55-degree range.
Breaking down new waters
I recently conducted a Facebook poll and from all the many great questions I received, the one that I want to address first is this: How do you break down a new body of water?
Things make sense to me in the spring
Spring is my favorite time of the year. It’s not only the rebirth of nature after the winter but it’s also the time when bass fishing makes the most sense to me.
Talking about practice
If I don't have something tied on for practice that's rigged on the right rod, with the right reel and the right line size, I probably won't take the time to set it up after I'm on the water.
Select the right gear ratio for your technique
Mark Menendez talks gear ratios and reel selection for bass anglers. Listen up!
Tips for organizing your tackle today
If you're like a lot of bass anglers, your boat is like a floating tackle shop with hundreds — probably thousands — of baits. How do you find the right lure quickly and efficiently? This Elite pro has some answers.
Swim jigs for spring success
Elite Series pro Pete Ponds discusses how he catches bass as temperatures warm.
Pick the right color when it’s tough
There are times when almost any color will catch bass. The bites on; they’re eating with total abandon. But that’s not the way it is most days. Easy doesn’t usually define fishing.