Gear Up: Happy Campers RV Holding Tank Treatment

Keeping foul odors under control in an RV can be tricky at times considering the waste resides in the holding tanks. There are many tank treatments on the market to manage this problem, but many of them simply mask odors by trying to overpower them with good-smelling chemicals. The problem is that they don’t actually solve the problem; they try to mask it. Happy Campers RV Holding Tank Treatment is designed to destroy the odor-causing bacteria and materials so that the odor is actually eliminated.

(Photo: )

What sets it apart?

Using a proprietary blend of micronutrients and minerals, Happy Campers is a tank treatment that is all-natural and safe for use in both the black and gray tanks. It is effective in hot and cold temperatures and effectively accelerates the breakdown of waste materials. It essentially uses concentrated good bacteria to fight and eliminate bad, odor-causing bacteria.

How do I use it? 

To treat your black tank, first empty and thoroughly rinse the tank. Then, fill the toilet with water and add one scoop of Happy Campers, stirring to distribute it in the water. Flush immediately and send another gallon or so of water down. You can also treat your gray tank every third or fourth flush. Simply fill the kitchen sink with a gallon or more of water and add a scoop of Happy Campers, stirring to distribute it in the water. Drain the sink immediately and send another gallon or so of water down.

How much?

$24.45 to $86.45

Adventurtunity Family’s insight:

Since we live in our motor home, dealing with stinky holding tanks is not an option. In the past 15 months that we’ve been on the road, we have tried several black tank treatments with varying levels of success in eliminating odors. Then we tried Happy Campers and the difference was immediately noticeable! Not only were odors gone from inside the RV, but there was very little to no odor when draining the tanks, too. And on top of that, it can be used in the gray tank, too, which is a big plus considering stray food particles sitting in there can sometimes smell worse than the black tank. Now ,having used Happy Campers for six-plus months of full-time RV living, we wouldn’t use anything else to treat our tanks.

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