Gear Up: 4Patriots Power Generator 1800

Power when you need it, where you need it. Whether for recreational use, to have AC power on the go in remote locations or to power critical devices in the event of an emergency, the 4Patriots Power Generator 1800 fits the bill. It can be recharged with the included 100W solar panel, which means you will always have a power source, even if the grid goes down. And since it’s portable, you can take it anywhere!

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What sets it apart?

There are so many key features that make this solar generator stand out. But the main ones are that it comes with solar panels to recharge; it weighs only 40 pounds, so it’s very portable; and it never needs fuel or puts out any fumes, so it is safe to use indoors. It can also be recharged with the included AC power cord and offers multiple plug-in options, including two AC outlets, four USB outlets and a 12-volt DC outlet.

How do I use it? 

It’s so easy to set up and use! If you’re outside camping, fishing or anywhere away from a power source, simply unfold the solar panels toward the sun, plug them into the generator, plug in your devices and you’re good to go! Keep the unit fully charged to use overnight or indoors to run a fan or heated blanket in your tent, charge devices or power some string lights to brighten up your campsite!

How much?


Adventurtunity Family’s insight:

The 4Patriots Power Generator was a big step for us in being able to operate in remote locations. Since we work from the road, sometimes we would love to set up our “office” on the beach or a lakeshore, or even just sit outside with an amazing mountain view. Now we can power our laptops and phones from any of these locations and don’t have to be tethered to the RV for power. Even better, now that we can get outside to work, we can also keep an eye on our son and let him play and explore instead of giving him more screen time in the RV. Definitely a win for all of us!

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