Gear review: Katadyn Hiker Pro Microfilter

A necessity to have in your camping bag, meet the Katadyn Hiker Pro Microfilter. (Photo: Allyson Schulte)

What is it?

If you often find yourself in the backcountry with a need to filter water, it’s time to invest in a Katadyn Hiker Pro Microfilter. Filtering water on the trail is about to get a lot easier! 

(Photo: Allyson Schulte)

What sets it apart?

The Katadyn Hiker Pro Microfilter not only makes filtering your water easier and faster, but also safer. This water filter pump includes two layers of filtration, both for smaller bacteria and larger contaminants in the water. This tiny but mighty water filter weighs in at 11 ounces and can output up to 1 liter of water per minute. Not only that, but this water filter is built to last, with a capacity to filter up to 1,150 liters of water (depending on water quality). What sets this filter apart is the ease of use, the portability and the speed at which water is filtered. 

(Photo: Allyson Schulte)

How do I use it?

The water filter comes with a carry bag, output and input hose and storage bag for the output hose. To start using the filter, you must attach the floater and strainer to your input hose and then connect your input hose to the filter. Remove the output hose from the storage bag, connect to the filter on the top and put the other end of the hose in your water bottle or bladder. Once both hoses are connected, set your floater in the water and start pumping away! Since it’s so important that the output hose is kept separate from contaminants, always store your output hose in the storage bag that is provided after use.

How much?


(Photo: Allyson Schulte)

Allyson’s insight:

I used to view filtering water for camp as a chore, but the Katadyn Hiker Pro Microfilter makes filtering and collecting water a breeze. While it’s a bit larger than other options on the market, the speed at which it filters water makes every bit of the 11 ounces worth it. The pump is easy and straightforward to use, and you’ll never have aching hands from filtering water again. 

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