If you reel in a largemouth bass that’s at least 8 pounds or 24 inches, you can participate simply by entering your Lunker catch information online or on the ShareLunker mobile app during the year-long season (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31). Lunkers 13 pounds-plus that are caught during spawning season (Jan. 1 – March 31) can be donated to the Sharelunker program – just call the mobile hotline at (903) 681-0550 and we’ll come pick it up!
Once a lunker is reeled in, enter the catch data on the Toyota ShareLunker mobile app – available for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play – or on the Toyota ShareLunker online app at TexasSharelunker.com. In addition to providing basic catch information, you can also provide a DNA scale sample from your lunker bass to TPWD researchers for genetic analysis.
All confirmed ShareLunker participants will receive a Catch Kit corresponding to their fish’s weight class. Each Catch Kit includes an achievement decal, merchandise and other giveaways. Plus, everyone who enters will be included in a grand prize drawing to win a $5,000 shopping spree and other prizes! And, if you donate a 13-pound or larger bass for spawning, you will be entered in an additional drawing to win a $5,000 shopping spree, VIP access to the Toyota ShareLunker Annual Awards event and a high-quality replica of their lunker fish.
Best of all, the data you provide on your lunker will help fisheries biologists better manage trophy bass populations throughout the great fisheries of Texas.